About Me

I’m not your run of the mill person, so it just stands to reason that I’m not your run of the mill writer either. My family says I’m demented, and I take that as a compliment. It’s true that I see things differently than others. I have an overactive imagination and still frequently daydream.
 I love to write, always have, but haven’t “done anything about it” until really thinking about my Bucket List of sorts. I paint fabrics for needlework to help pay the bills. It does satisfy a part of my creative nature, but something is missing. I have always wanted to make people laugh, to make the unusual come to life, and to bring back a time of childlike innocence.

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About Me

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I'm a former educator, specializing in Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Creative Arts. I'm creative, imaginative, and a super hard worker and self-starter.
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